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Penguin Coaching Academy

Gibraltar Coach Education Activities

September 2018

By Dave Cockburn


The HSBC Penguin Coaching Academy provided two World Rugby Coach Educators to deliver a World Rugby Level 2 coaching course in Gibraltar from 14-16 September 2018. Alun Harries (Wales) and Dave Cockburn (Scotland) both arrived in Gibraltar on the 14th September and started delivery of the course at 6.00PM, in a meeting room kindly provided by British Forces Gibraltar. The eight coaches in attendance were:

·        Mark Penalver

·        Tom Turnbridge

·        Ludovic Leroy

·        Rick Taylor

·        Nick Warner

·        Jason Spencer Brown

·        Steve Malia

·        Chris Goodman

Alun and Dave delivered Modules 1 and 2 of the course on the first evening, which involved discussion, observation and recording. The group were very enthusiastic and put a lot of energy into this evening session, which finished about 9.15PM.

The group reassembled the next day at 8.30AM ready to start for 9.00AM.

The coaches were asked to deliver a ten minute coaching session, which they had prepared prior to the course being delivered. Alun and Dave watched all sessions and gave feedback on examples of good coaching practice. Also there was an opportunity for feedback from their fellow coaches. Once again there was a lot energy coming from the group and some excellent examples of coaching ability.  

After lunch, Alun and Dave delivered the Player Welfare and Key Factor Analysis and after the group went back out to the field to look at some of the coaching sessions previously delivered in more detail. This developed into looking at how to coach the game by allowing mistakes, changing the rules and by playing games. Once again the coaches embraced this type of coaching and suggested a lot of good individual ideas.

Alun then delivered the Home Study Tasks, which have to be completed before being signed off, on the course. The tasks assigned are shown below.

           1 - Functional role analysis for 3 different playing positions of your choice (ideally this should include at least 1 forward and 1 back): you can use the pro-forma in the              workbook or your own template. We will need to see these prior to your session delivery

           2 - Keep a coaching diary for a minimum of 6 sessions that include the session plan and self-reflection

           3 - Prepare a 20-30 minute session that is designed to improve at least one element of a functional role analysis you have identified from the 3 playing positions you have chosen (think about how players can apply this to their game)

Thank you to Dave Barley and Chad Thomson.


Alun Harries and Dave Cockburn


Jack Speak
Community Group
Jack Speak
Community Group