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Report on Penguins coaching trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
March 6 – 12th 2011

IRB Trainers:

Doc McKelvey and Simon Jones

We had 22 candidates, mostly teachers from all over Malaysia. They were IRB L1 and had a mix of tech knowledge.

We ran 4 x RFU CPD courses over the 2 days:

  • Line outs (Junior)
  • Rucks and Mauls (Junior)
  • Back Play (Junior)
  • Defence (Adult)

Most candidates were able to take part in and complete the courses although 2 left the course after day 1 as they had commitments and 3 others joined on Day 2. Facilities were good and weather was kind. On each course we held a combination of indoor theory and outside practical work.

The candidates were put into 4 groups and challenged to work together to solve the various problems we set. The winning group won Penguin gear and badges.

We had approx 20 teachers on the second set of two days when we ran the same courses and the same group work. The difference was that these candidates were IRB Level 2 candidates and we were able to up the level of the courses due to their increased technical knowledge. Again, these curses went extremely well, despite a very wet Friday, and were popular with the candidates.

At the end of both courses, as well as the winning groups getting prizes, we also presented Penguin course certificates signed by us both which Charlie had produced.

We had working with us over the four days - Usaia Biumaiwai is Fijian CE who has been appointed coach at Cobra Club. He needed to renew his IRB CE licence and after contacting Mark Harrington I was able to do a QA form on his work with us which should see him back as full IRB CE.

This is a huge benefit to Cobra as Usaia will be able to sign off the Level 2’s as they complete their 12 practical coaching sessions in their schools and he will also be able to CE on future Penguin courses at Cobra.

Jack Speak
Community Group
Jack Speak
Community Group