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Mexican International 10s tournament – Penguins winners

The Penguins won all three matches versus the Mexican National Team

Back row: Paul Beal (Redcar), Neil Meikle (Ayr), Dave Bassett (Loughborough University), Ross Winney (Plymouth), Antonio da Cunha (Portugal), Graeme Inglis (St Mary’s, Vice Captain), John Kilbride (St Mary’s, Vice Captain – 10s team), Alan Maher (Lansdowne), James Jones (Loughborough), James Winterbottom (Henley, Captain – 10s team), George Oommen (Dundee), Neil Wardingley (Rosslyn Park), John Swords (London Welsh), Ryan O’Mahoney (Oxford University), Peter Robertson (Nantes University), Jamie Astbury (Wasps), Andy Prior (Toronto Nomads), Henry Head (Richmond), Dylan Pugh (London Welsh), Ali Rowe (Watsonians)

Front row: Conan Sharman (Currie), Nopera Stewart (Ionstonians), Karl Cleere (Lansdowne), Dafydd Lewis (Cambridge University), Steve Hill (Tour Coach), Glen McLellan (Orkney), Craig Brown (Tour Manager), Dave Gorrie (Monkstown, Captain), Alan Wright (Chairman), Ben Dormer (Cambridge University), Andy Ireland (SRU referee) Graham Barr (Oxford University), Karrelle Dixon (Oxford University)

Jack Speak
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Jack Speak
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